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The aim of the LIFEWILDisland project is to promote the restoration of softwood woodlands (91E0) in two important intervention areas, on the one hand by improving the hydrological condition of the islands’ environment, i.e. the natural dynamics of the Danube, and on the other hand by preserving and restoring perhaps the most characteristic habitat type of the islands and the floodplain of the river strengthening the naturalness and “wild” nature of the Danube island from the German city of Neuburg to the Danube Delta.

Dear Readers,

after many years of preparatory work, the Fertő-Hanság National Park Directorate has definitively committed itself to the rehabilitation of the dry and filled tributary system of the Erebe Islands.

The Erebe Islands are part of the Pannonhalmi Landscape Protection Area and the Natura2000 network of the European Union. It is still one of the parts of the Hungarian section of the Danube where, until recently, the river could freely shape the islands, washing away some of them and rebuilding them elsewhere.


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