Welcome to LIFE WILDisland |
| The WILDisland team wishes you wonderful summer holidays! |
| Danube WILDisland Ramsar Regional Initiative approved The RRI was approved at the 63rd meeting of the Standing Committee of the Convention on Wetlands and the formal hand-over took place at the 13th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region on June 20th 2024, in Vienna, Austria. A new DANUBEPARKS Lower Danube office will soon be set up in Persina Nature Park, Bulgaria to coordinate the Initiative and there is already funding available! This is an important milestone for the LIFE WILDisland project following years of joint efforts and collaboration, aiming to provide long-term sustainability, formal umbrella and political support of our WILDisland Habitat Corridor initiative. This practically means more possibilities for Danube-wide and cross-sector cooperation, joint restoration projects and coordinated efforts to preserve, develop and restore the Danube River! |
| Direct conservation startedFollowing long time of preparation, technical planning and waiting for permission, some of the direct conservation measures have finally started. Check some practical progress here: Several more project sites are expecting to get their permits shortly or are currently running procurement procedures to start direct revitalization works at the start of 2025. |
| Danube all the way to RhineBig delegation of eight of the LIFE WILDisland partners from Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia and Romania visited the river Rhine in Germany and France to learn more about the revitalization projects and measures there. We had the amazing opportunity to explore several exciting conservation projects near Iffenzheim and Karlsruhe (Germany); Strassbourg (France) and Taubergiessen and River Elz (Germany). We are extremely grateful to all the local colleagues, who hosted our delegation! |
General progressJanuary – June 2024- The technical plans for the restoration of the Mouth Ussel project area in Germany have been approved;
- The technical plans of the restoration at the Schwalbeninsel island complex in Austria have been finalized and submitted for approval;
- Persina Nature Park has started the installation of a Ramsar site information point on Persin Island;
- We are working in close cooperation with the Convention on Wetlands and the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) on the development and adoption of the Danube WILDisland Ramsar Regional Initiative as a major milestone of the LIFE WILDisland Project;
- The team is in constant exchange with large-scale international fellow-projects, such as DANUBE4all; NaturaConnect, LIFE IRIS, LIFE MDD, taking part in joint events and coordination meetings;
- WILDisland project was presented at the International Scientific Conference on „Addressing the threats of Invasive Alien Species (IAS) and Mitigation of Potential Conflicts”, Thessaloniki, Greece;
- LIFE WILDisland was presented and took part in a number of information campaigns and experience exchange events, such as: Wetlands Day, Croatia; Donau-Auen NP Family Fest; LIFE Platform Meeting, Linz, Austria; Danube Day 2024;
Follow all news and up-coming events here. |
WILDisland in Hungarian Check out the brand-new LIFE WILDisland project website in Hungarian, where our colleagues from Fertö Hansag Nature Park regularly post local up-dates and news here.
| Save the dateThe next annual WILDisland Festival, organized by Danube Delta Biosphere Authority, Romania will take place on September 5-8th, in Tulcea, Romania! Join us to celerate WILDislands, RowMania 2024 and the cultures and peoples of the Danube! |
| Upcoming eventsThe 13th Symposium Kopački Rit: Past, Present, Future 2024 will take place between October 2-3d 2024 in Kopacevo, Croatia, together with Trans-boundary Biosphere Reserve Mura-Drava-Danube Streering Group Meeting and a project consortium meeting of the LIFE Restore for MDD Project. Draft agenda available here. |
Thank you, Georg! Our entire team will like to cordially thank one of the masterminds behind the WILDisland Habitat Corridor concept, Mr. Georg Frank, who, following 21 years of work at the Donau-Auen National Park, Austria, has accepted a new professional challenge and is no longer with us since April 2024.
We wish him to bring the same amount of energy, motivation and inspiration to his new team at WWF Austria, yet he remains an integral part of the DANUBEPARKS and WILDisland history and family! |
| Follow us and witness this amazing journey… jointly for the Danube WILDisland Habitat Corridor!…LIFE WILDisland aims to establish a best-practice example for an EU ecological corridor, supported by the EU Commission and strategic partners such as the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR), the EU Strategy for the Danube Region and the Ramsar Convention. - 15 project partners, 8 countries
- 14,2 Mill € for island conservation and restoration
- Total number of islands restored: 34
- Total area improved (hydrology and forest management): 1,267 ha
- Total length of bodies re-dynamized: 48,192 m
- WILDisland Corridor established, coherent management for 147 “A” category islands (natural islands)
Background and project information… |
| Who we are and what we do?Learn more about the LIFE WILDisland project and its team. Here » |
| How did our idea come to LIFE?Learn more about the background of the project and how it came to be. Here » |
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